Ellis Allond
Androgynous Arcanist & Alchemist
Crystal - Mateus; Timezone: EST

Hailing from the dense forests of Gridania and longing to find his place in a larger world, Ellis left home and mother behind on a journey of self-discovery, originally following in the footsteps of his father. His skill for spellcasting however shifted his role as a ranged combatant as he found himself wandering the wider scope of Eorzea as a whole. Eventually, he would pick up the trade of a potion-maker in hopes to one day achieve his dream: to become a renowned Chemist, mixing his magical and scientific aptitudes together.From West to East and back again, the lad has traveled more than just the breadth of his homeland, his adventures and forays into the field spanning all of Etheirys over. Whether seeking out a rare ingredient, pursuing the tales of lost lore, or simply wanting to enjoy the sights, Ellis continues his travels when not running a small shop in Ishgard.Despite life's hurdles, the boy retains his youthful countenance and purity of heart, only just becoming a man grown. Eager to prove himself and show the world that anyone can make a difference, his stride bounds towards new horizons, full satchel at his side, grimoire in hand, and the sound of clinking bottles preceding his arrival wherever he goes.

RP Hooks
- Years ago prior to the Calamity, he was raised in Gridania by a single mother. Since, he has interned at Limsa Lominsa, gained a home in Ul'dah, and moved his business to Ishgard. Any citizen of the four cities would have encountered him at those particular stages in his life.- As an alchemist, he takes on various requests for custom concoctions when not fulfilling bulk medicine orders for the various Adventurer's Guilds. He's struggling though to come up with some new ideas for research, however.- The occasional outing for field research sometimes places him in locations far flung and even perilous. Given he's a soft, meek, and physically weak sort, he will seek out local assistance or even put up job requests of his own to the Adventurer's Guilds.- Ellis frequently is mistaken for a girl and, despite attempts to dissuade such thoughts, finds himself often just being passive about it. If ever amidst several female friends, he'll often feel compelled to simply 'fit in', sometimes to the point of crossdressing.- Perhaps just to round out his retinue, Ellis has taken up the bow and become a Bard as a side-practice. While there are tales of bards' unbridled charisma and what can ensue from such, a modest boy like Ellis wouldn't find himself in those situations... or would he?- Any alchemist worth their salt will tell one of the pursuit's ultimate prize: the ultimate alkahest. The Philosopher's Stone. To transmute at will. To achieve life ever-lasting. To cure all ills. To perfect the world. It was tales of such miracles that drove Ellis to this point.- Rare it is that one finds Ellis and sees a potential mate in him, but it has happened. Ellis is an unwitting father for miqo'te, viera, and au ra daughters. He's not heard any news of them save being brought up in their respective tribes or clans from their mothers...

- His primary weakness when it comes to any woman is their breasts. Buxom and busty figures attract his attention more than others', and he chides himself over his base desires when catching himself staring overly long. Whether tall and imposing women or short and stacked for their figure, he is a slave to this singular craving... and has the worst trouble talking to such women.- Due to how Ellis carries himself, he's often at the mercy of more forward individuals, primarily women with a thirst for young blood or the weaker willed. He actually has been the victim of several non-consenting advances on such grounds. Though, he doesn't seem to fight it all too terribly. If anything, he's bullyable to a fault. Whoever approaches him, it's always a tense first meeting. The question is, will someone calm him down or rile him up?- As an alchemist, his closest friends have also poked curiously at the idea of utilizing his talents for their own lewd ends. He's not above indulging their curiosity on certain matters, but the responsibility of the aftermath falls on his shoulders. As such, he often approaches these scenarios with some trepidation and usually ends up with a particular reputation shared by said friends the next time they visit the Quicksand.- More often than not, he often finds himself contending with women that have 'extra', of which are all to eager to goad him into a helping hand, mouth, or otherwise. It's especially the case when he's mistaken for a woman during one of his crossdressing moments. It's gotten to a point where there are a few fantasies he's insecure about admitting to that particularly involve such women and has been seeking secret services...
(Partners portrayed are of artists and close friends with their consent. To which end, if anyone wishes to be in a piece with Ellis, I'm always happy to arrange for splitting the tab on a piece... or even being gifted art, if one is feeling charitable! Feel free to ask me!)

A Word from the Player
Thank you for taking the time to read my Carrd. Ellis, being my main, has a lot of time and energy put into them and went through many iterations over time. What originally started as an alternate character on Mateus due to server limitations ultimately blossomed into something truly miraculous and fulfilling, and I'm thankful for those who've helped me on my journey of self-discovery, realization, and enlightenment. You friends are the best!I still feel like this carrd has a ways to go until it's truly "finished", largely in part that I desire more representative pictures to add in the way of art or screenshots, both in FF14 and possibly other formats and settings as well. I'm always happy for any input or contributions to realizing this and have a bit of a wishlist considering.My sincerest hope is that Ellis can be my image wherever I may roam, within Eitherys' scope and beyond, adapting as the setting may demand. From humble beginnings doth new adventures and radical transformations spring forth, like paint fresh on a canvas as the picture forms. May this profile serve as a basis for anyone he meets and for what lies ahead.